These are the different color patterns currently being offered for Swim Whizz Lures.
001 - Cardinal
Red base coat, Black eye patch, White eye socket. |
002 - Metallic Blue
Chrome base coat, Blue head, Yellow eye patch, Blue scale. |
004 - Helin Frog
Rich Yellow base coat, Black eye patch, White eye socket, Green stripes, Black spots, Red throat spot. |
008 - Pumpkin Seed
Dark Orange base coat, Black head, Black tail, White eye patch, Silver scale, Black & Yellow spots. |
011 - White-Bellied Perch
Rich Yellow base coat, Dark Green sides, Black back, White belly, Orange eye patch, Gold scale, Black stripes, White throat spot. |
012 - Yellow-Bellied Perch
Rich Yellow base coat, Dark Green sides, Black back, Orange eye patch, Gold scale, Black stripes, White throat spot. |
013 - Homers Old Bass
015 - Sucker
Black base coat, Black back, White belly, Yellow eye patch, Orange scale, Red throat spot. |
016 - Jackie Boy
White base coat, Blue head, Silver glitt. |
017 - Midnight
Dark Blue base coat, Dark Blue back, White belly, Yellow eye patch, Silver scale, Red throat spot. |
018 - Redhead
White base coat, Red head, Silver glitt. |
019 - Silver Shad
Black base coat, Black back, White belly, Red throat spot. |
020 - Green River Shad
Pearl base coat, Black back, Light Green scale, Red throat spot. |
021 - Jaybird
Silver base coat, Blue back, White belly, Yellow eye patch, Silver scale, Red throat spot. |
024 - Red, White & Blue
Silver base coat, Black back, White belly, Yellow eye patch, Silver scale, Red & Blue stripes, Red throat spot. |
025 - Red Snapper
Chartreuse base coat, Fluorescent Red back, White belly, Gold scale, Red throat spot. |
026 - Menhaden
Pearl base coat, Chartreuse sides, Black back, Chartreuse belly, Orange throat, Black spots. |
029 - Witch Doctor
030 - Black Chrome
Chrome base coat, Black back, Yellow eye patch, Red throat spot. |
032 - Blue Chrome
Chrome base coat, Blue back, Yellow eye patch, Red throat spot. |
033 - Golden Shad
Chrome base coat, Fluorescent Green back, Green scale, Red throat spot. |
034 - Golden Sucker
Gold base coat, Bronze & Pink sides, Black back, White belly, Bronze scale, Red throat spot. |
038 - Dukes of Hazard
Dark Orange base coat, Black back, Red belly, Black eye patch, White eye socket, Black spots. |
039 - Nine Dollar Bass
040 - Pike Scale
White base coat, White belly, Olive head, Yellow eye patch, Gold scale, Olive stripes, Red throat spot. |
044 - St. Lawrence Frog
Dark Green base coat, Yellow eye patch, Silver scale, Yellow & Red spots, Red throat spot. |
045 - Army Frog
Army Gren base coat, Red eye patch, Silver scale, Yellow, Red & Black spots, Red throat spot. |
047 - Tree Frog
048 - Crackle Frog
051 - Hot Mackerel
Chartreuse base coat, Bright Green sides, Black back, Orange belly, Red eye patch, Black stripes. |
052 - Rainbow Trout
White base coat, Pink & Light Blue sides, Black back, Black head, White throat, Black spots. |
053 - Baby Mallard
Red base coat, Teal back, Peach belly, Teal head, Brown eye patch, Gold scale. |
058 - Electric Clown
Chartreuse base coat, Red back, Red & Black spots, Red throat spot. |
063 - Rainbow
White base coat, Red & Yellow sides, Blue back, Red throat spot. |
064 - Jailbird
Rich Yellow base coat, Black stripes, Red throat spot. |
067 - Strawberry
Pearl base coat, Red sides, Black back, Red eye patch, Yellow eye socket, Red, Yellow & Black spots. |
068 - White-Bellied Small Scale Perch
Rich Yellow base coat, Bright Green sides, Black back, White belly, Black head, Yellow eye patch, Gold scale, Red throat spot. |
069 - Yellow-Bellied Small Scale Perch
Rich Yellow base coat, Bright Green sides, Black back, Black head, Yellow eye patch, Gold scale, Red throat spot. |
072 - Crayola Orange
Chartreuse base coat, Orange back, White belly, Red eye patch, Orange swirls. |
073 - Crayola Green
Chartreuse base coat, Bright Green back, White belly, Red eye patch, Bright Green swirls. |
075 - Seasick
Bright Green base coat, Black back, Chartreuse belly, Black eye patch, White eye socket, Black spots. |
076 - Blue Back Herring
Pearl base coat, Blue back, Red throat spot. |
077 - Gray Ghost
Pearl base coat, Black back, Red throat spot. |
078 - Tyler Boy
Chartreuse base coat, Red head. |
079 - Electric Chicken
Chartreuse base coat, Pink back, Silver glitt. |
082 - Steelhead Surprise
Pearl base coat, Orange & Chartreuse tail, Yellow eye patch, Silver stripes. |
090 - Turbo Coach Dog
Chartreuse base coat, Black back, Orange belly, Black eye patch, White eye socket, Black spots. |
091 - Blue Gill
Light Blue base coat, Black back, Yellow & White belly, Silver scale, Black stripes, Red throat spot. |
093 - Sunset Sally
094 - Dog Turd
White base coat, Rich Yellow sides, Black back, Black head, Red throat, White eye patch, Gold scale. |
095 - Green Perch
White base coat, Rich Yellow sides, Green back, Red throat, Gold scale, Black stripes. |
096 - Chocolate Perch
Pearl base coat, Black back, Rich Yellow belly, Red throat, Gold scale, Black stripes. |